Crown of Thorns

Euphorbia milii



Plant Type :Interior Plant, Perennial, Succulent
Hardiness Range : Minimum :10
Maximum :11
Zone : 10,11

Height Range : Minimum :30.48
Maximum :152.4

Spread Range : Minimum :30.48
Maximum :152.4

Growth Range :Average growth rate

Shape : Prostrate, Spreading or horizontal

Exposure (light) : Full/partial sun

Wetness Tolerance : Dry
Persistnece : Evergreen
Leaf Color : Green

Fall Color : Not showy


Color : Pink, Red, White, Yellow
Time : Early spring, Mid spring, Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall, Mid fall, Late fall, Early winter, Mid winter, Late winter

Fruit Color : NA
Attribute : Blooms appear periodically throughout the year, Attractive flowers or blooms

Care & Uses

Salt Tolerance :Medium salt tolerance
Environment :Drought tolerant, Humidity intolerant
Soil Condition :Acidic, Loamy, Neutral, Slightly alkaline, Well drained

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