Lily of the Nile


Peter Pan


Plant Type :Interior Plant, Perennial
Hardiness Range : Minimum :7
Maximum :10
Zone : 7,8,9,10

Height Range : Minimum :30.48
Maximum :60.96

Spread Range : Minimum :0
Maximum :0

Growth Range :Average growth rate

Shape : Irregular or sprawling

Exposure (light) : Full sun

Wetness Tolerance : Moist
Persistnece : Evergreen, Needles or needle-like leaf
Leaf Color : Green

Fall Color : NA


Color : Blue
Time : Early summer, Mid summer, Late summer, Early fall

Fruit Color : NA
Attribute : Attracts butterflies, Suitable for cut flowers, Suitable for dried flowers

Care & Uses

Salt Tolerance :Medium salt tolerance
Environment :Drought tolerant
Soil Condition :Loamy, Neutral, Sandy, Well drained

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